A guided journal to help you walk with God at His pace.
- It's guided in that it walks you through daily and weekly steps to help you notice God's voice and presence in your life.
- It's a journal in that it becomes a record of God speaking and building His kingdom in and through your life.

What could I make that would help me?
The Rhythm Journal started as process for myself, not a product. I was going through a season when I was trying so hard to help others connect God's word to their lives that I realized that I wasn't doing a very good job of it for myself. What does that even look like? Can it be observed and measured? I know that God's Spirit does the work of changing me, but I have to do something, right? Two concepts from scripture stood out.
Present Yourself
In Romans 12:1-2, the Apostle Paul tells us to continually present ourselves as a living sacrifice(!), to not be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, resulting in demonstrating what God's will looks like.
Walk Circumspectly
In Ephesians 5:16-21 Paul tells us to "walk circumspectly." In other words, walk intentionally. He also tells us to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit so that we can both be a blessing to others, as well as receive blessings from others.
These things don't happen by accident, they are done intentionally; they are done on purpose, with purpose.
What is needed are some new habits; some new rhythms and a new pace.
We need to rise with purpose. We need to rest on purpose. We need to renew for a purpose.
What are these new rhythms?
I am loving it. I especially like having a rhythm to focus on during the day, it has already made me more intentional with my thoughts/attitudes. I also enjoy having a spot to write my thoughts from my daily Bible reading and some place to record what I'm thankful for and answered prayers. I'm seeing how God is present and answering prayers each day!
Kasey W.
Kickstarter Backer
Take some time to consider your life and how you walk with God at His pace, with Purpose, Actions, Choices, and how you've Evolved (changed over time).
Start your day with Reading God's word, discerning some Inspiration, making Supplication, and considering how your might Express what God has spoken to you today.
At the end of your day, it's time to Review, Engage anything that needs to be encouraged or corrected, Surrender what is out of your control, and spend some time in Thanksgiving.
Every Sunday, spend some time processing Romans 12:1-2 via prompting questions that will help you Release, Evaluate, Notice, Exchange, and Walk out God's will in your life.
Features you'll love
Clean layouts with plenty of space
Each block of text is easy to read and there is plenty of space between each line to record your thoughts clearly.

A system to record and reference God working in your life
When people in the Bible would have an encounter with God, they would often build a simple landmark to remind themselves and others what God had done. The Index checkbox at the bottom of each page and the Index section at the back of the journal serve that same purpose.
Free First Steps and Next Steps online classes
To help you get the most out of your experience and the best out of the journal, there is a short First Steps online class and a more comprehensive Next Steps online class. The Rhythm Journal is a transformative tool that can be used as simply or as in-depth as you like.
About The Developer
Corby's number one desire is to invite and challenge people connect with and follow Jesus. Since 1995 he's been a pastor, motivational speaker, and resource creator with a bent toward the techie and nerdy.
Corby also partners with Jessica, his wife of 27 years, to run Tree & Leaf Wellness, a company dedicated to cultivating health in body and spirit. They live in Kalama, WA with their two Saint Bernards and one Great Dane.
Corby Stephens

A Daily Rhythm is a Godly Characteristic that you can partner with the Holy Spirit to cultivate in your life. In the morning, as you are considering what's coming up in your day, let's say that you realize that you are going to need patience to deal with something or someone in particular. Make patience your rhythm for the day. Make it part of your Expression. Chew on the word all day. Throughout the day, pray for the Spirit to grow it in your life and interactions. That is an example of a Daily Rhythm.
A Rhythm Pattern is a guided focus on a specific Daily Rhythm over six days. It provides a devotional-focused definition of the Daily Rhythm, specific readings for Monday through Saturday, and suggestions for each day's Expression on how to weave it into the day ahead. If you want to explore Daily Rhythms and how to use them, Rhythm Patterns are a great tool.
Yes! There are other editions in the works. The Standard Edition is a blank canvas. We are working on other editions that are Rhythm Patterns unto themselves, focusing on a Daily Rhythm per week. For example, we are currently working on a Fruit Of The Spirit edition that will cover three months. There are 12 Fruits of the Spirit, one per week comes to 12 weeks. Other similarly "themed" editions are on the drawing board. We are open to suggestions!
It can be at first. It all depends on what you are used to and what you want to get out of it. If you are just getting started we recommend focussing on getting consistent with RISE. If you can get six days in a row with RISE and a Sunday RENEW, add in REST as best as you can. You might miss a few nights at first. It's a new habit. Give yourself grace to develop it. Once it is all happening in rhythm, it will become very natural.